Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Title: Blessing Like a Fountain, Peace Like a River / Topic: Benefits of God

Today's Reading: Ephesians 5; Ephesians 6; Psalm 119:1-80

Scripture: Psalm 119:1, 2, 32, 45
1 Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.
2 Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.
32 I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.
45 I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts.

Observation: I love this psalm! It is all about what the Word does for us and in us. These are but two themes among many in the psalm; that we will abide in blessing when we obey the Word and that we will be free in our hearts by following God's commands. I love the picture David gives in verse 32: He is running, with eager energy, in the path of God's Word. Why? Because he has experienced the freedom that comes as a result of obedience.

Application: There is a way for me to live in a place of blessing, and that is simply to seek God and obey what he says. There is also a way to live with peace in my heart no matter what turmoil may be around me, and that is to submit to God's ways as revealed in his Word. It is somewhat counter-intuitive that giving away control of my life to another would bring freedom, but that is what happens when I subject my own will to that of my Heavenly Father.

Prayer: Thank you for giving us your Word, Lord. I want to run in the path of your Law as David did. I know it its not the Law that saves us, it is only by your grace. It is by that same grace that I experience the power to live by your precepts and to overcome my own selfish desires that are ultimately destructive to me. Bless me abundantly Lord, so that I may be a testimony to the wisdom of following you. And give me that peace that surpasses understanding as I obey your commands. I know I can trust you because you always have my best at heart.
This I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


At 10:56 AM, Blogger Mike Stipech said...

I love your obervation about verse 32 -- the exhilaration that is possible only as I surrender. It is so counterintuitive to our human minds. But it is nonetheless true. Jesus said it, "he who would find his life will lose it, but he who would lose his life for my sake will find the life that is truly life." By surrendering, we win. By dying, we live. Great post!


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