Christian "Communism"
TODAY'S READING: Ex. 21, 22; Ps. 12; Acts 4
SCRIPTURE: Acts 4:32-35
32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. 34 There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need.
OBSERVATION: These verses stuck out to me because the sharing of everything by the believers so that none of them were needy echoes the political protests of many of the "Occupy Wall Street " crowds that have been in the news lately. They are upset at the "1%-ers" who are rich. They want the government to redistribute the wealth so that everyone has enough. What they are espousing are the ideals of communism. Communism sounds beautiful. When I read about the goals of the communist philosophy it actually sounds like a lot of what I read in the New Testament. But we have seen what happens when that philosophy is put into practice by humans without any God-consciousness. When morality is forced on people by the government it just doesn't work. First of all, man is sinful and corrupt by nature. Taking money by force from people through taxes provides way too much temptation for misuse by those in authority. The Bible is clear that the love of money is a root for all kinds of evil. How can we expect officials to be immune to this? The other reason communism doesn't work is that people who have worked hard for their money are forced to give it up and they do not see the people it may help. They have no relational connection to the people who take their money or those who receive it. What makes the verses in this passage so beautiful is that the giving and receiving of money and resources was motivated by the love of God. God had placed his love in the hearts of the people, they had repented of their sinful ways, and they had deep personal connections with those they were helping with their gifts.
APPLICATION: I understand those that want "fairness". It all sounds so good and right. It is right to help those who need it. But it cannot be forced. The only way the justice and care we all want to see in the world can happen is if the love of God changes the selfish motivations in all of us and motivates us to love those around us. When it happens that way, and with people we are in relationship with, there is the added benefit of accountability. Those who are being helped are in relationship with those who are helping them and therefore they are kept responsible. They do not become "bums" who live off of the generosity of others, but contributing members of the community. God's answers for human suffering are so much superior to ours. The sinful nature of mankind messes up all of our attempts at fixing societal ills. Without God, none of them will ever reach their full potential for good.
PRAYER: Father, I have compassion for all of these protesters I see in the news. Some of them are insincere and just want anarchy so they can shake up the status quo and grab power for themselves. But others are truly frustrated at the injustice and suffering that they see. They don't see that their anger and rage will not fix anything. Help them all to find you. May all those who hunger and thirst for righteousness and justice and mercy find it in you, for you are the only source of all that their hearts long for. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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