Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Then, Face to Face

SCRIPTURE: Rev. 5:13
Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing:

“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
be praise and honor and glory and power,
for ever and ever!”

OBSERVATION/APPLICATION: Every time I read this verse (and a few others in Revelation) I am reminded of a time I attended a church in Spain with my daughter, who had been studying there. She was a linguistics major in college and had explained to me that there are ideas in each language that cannot be translated exactly into any other language because the meaning of the term doesn't really exist in the language it's being translated into. Each culture has some ideas that are unique to it; a different paradigm, or view, on life. So here I was, listening to worship and a sermon in a language I did not know. I sat there, bored, and decided to pray, "Lord, Your Spirit can speak to me anytime. Please speak something to me now that is revelatory so that I can be built up in my faith." No sooner had I finished that prayer than God brought to mind this scripture and others from Revelation that say people from every tribe, kindred, tongue and nation will be in heaven praising Him. The Lord spoke to my heart that day and said to me, "Even though you don't understand what is being said here today; on that day, each of my people will understand every language on earth. The praise that you hear from your brothers and sisters around the globe will reveal to you new aspects of My person and My glory that you had not previously understood. The revelations will cause your heart to swell with more and more praise as you finally get a full-orbed understanding of My Being and Nature. Through your praise, others will learn more of Me. My glory is greater than can be expressed in the words of any one language; but on that day, My glory will be expressed through every language and it will cause all to marvel." As the Spirit spoke this to my heart, I wept for joy. My daughter, sitting next to me, turned and whispered,"What's wrong, Mom; are you alright?" Of course, I was more than alright. God had preached to my heart the only sermon I needed that day. If we are willing and open, He can speak to us at anytime.

PRAYER: Father, I have never forgotten that beautiful truth You spoke to my heart that day. It makes me long for the day when all the saints will be together praising You forever. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. May I be productive for you in the meantime. Speak to me daily, as I seek to learn more of my beautiful, glorious Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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