Title: A High Wall or an Open Gate/ Topic: Wisdom
Today’s Reading: Proverbs 16; Proverbs 17; Proverbs 18; Romans 12
Scripture: Proverbs 17:19
19 He who loves a quarrel loves sin; he who builds a high gate invites destruction.
Observation: The last phrase in this verse is intriguing. I see two possible interpretations for it, both containing a related component. The first would be someone who builds a high wall to protect valuables that he has. He wants to keep out thieves, but the wall is actually an advertisement to those who would steal that there is something worth protecting, and therefore, worth breaking in to obtain. The second interpretation is that this is speaking of a person who walls himself off from others. He doesn't allow anyone to really know him, his struggles, his joys, or anything else. He also doesn't allow anyone to give him input in his life. He refuses to be in an accountable relationship with anyone. This is clearly a path to personal and spiritual destruction. The commonality between both these meanings of the verse is that they both involve someone with a “hoarding” spirit; someone who wants to be totally self-sufficient and to share with no one else. It is the opposite of an open and generous personality.
Application: I need to be a person who always has an open gate as opposed to a high wall. A gate allows for closing off bad influences but letting in good ones. A gate gives a welcome to others. There is a always a way in.
Prayer: Father, thank you for the wisdom you give us in your Word. May I always embrace it, live by it, and encourage others to do so as well. Never let me build walls, even when letting others into my life has led to pain. Walling myself off may seem to give me protection but it only leads to destruction in the end.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.